Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Finally! Smelt
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Нуурын хилэм загасны үржил

Бид АНУ- ын Вискосин мужид байдаг Чоно голд Нуурын хилэм загас байгалийн аясаараа хэрхэн үрждэг болохыг үзэж сонирхов. Энэ хилэм нь20- 23 насандаа бие гүйцэж үр удмаа үлдээдэг бөгөөд жил бүр түрсээ шахдаггүй 4-5 жил завсарлаад дахин үрждэг ажээ. Чоно голд уг хилэмний үрждэг 50 газар байдаг байна. Энэхүү газрыг хилэм загасны үржлийнх нь хугацаанд орон нутгийн Байгалийн нөөцийн газрын ажилтнууд болон хилэм хамгаалах сайн дурын идэвхитнүүд хяналт тавиж, ажиглалт судалгаа явуулдаг тухай бидний уулзсан хүмүүс ярьж байлаа. Нэн ховор загас болох нуурын хилэмийг хамгаалах үйл ажиллагааг олон жилийн турш явуулж ирснээр түүний тоо толгой нь эрс нэмэгджээ. Голын эрэг ормын чулуурхаг ёроолтой газраар цугларч түрсээ шахдаг энэ загасыг наадах үед АНУ-ын янз бүрийн газраас хүмүүс гэр бүл, ах дүүстэйгээ ирж үзэж сонирхдог болох нь уламжлал болсон харагдаж байлаа. Бид хилэм загасны үржлийн үеийн зан төрхийг усанд доорх видео камерийн тусламжтайгаар бичиж авлаа.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Net visitors
We checked our nets and in the nets weren't smelt. But our first visitors to nets were other small fish something bluntnose minnow (Pimephales notatus), baby of rock bass (Ambloplites gulosus), baby of brook sticlkeback(Culaea incostans) and central mudminnow(Umbra limi), sculpin, iowa darter(Etheostoma exile) rusty crayfish. We counted all species and released. We checked for two days all nets and results were same as ''ZERO smelt''. Fifth day we are checking six fyke nets, so still not yet caught smelt.
Smelt removal work
The Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) one invasive fish species of inland lakes of North America. How ever this fish has small body size, but live as pack and have negatively affected native fish population. They eat egg and larvae of native fish. CFL of UW has been working on project to decreasing smelt population size. Research site is Sparkling lake. We
Still, lake has ice and mostly we were breaking ice and set nets. Currently we haven't catch any smelt by our nets. May be still water temperature is to low. It is 2.0 -2.4 C. Smelt's spawning run begins in 4.0 C of water temperature.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Trout Lake
Trout Lake Research Station of CFL located in the Vilas county of Northern Wisconsin. We're 5 hours driving from Madison to Trout Lake in Northern Highland. It is amazing place in forest, between many lakes. Trout Lake Research Station was founded in 1924 the station provides access to the more than 2500 lakes in the Northern Highland. We came to here to involve smelt removal work in Sparkling Lake near to TLRS. Still in here few snow in forest, lakes have ice. We have put temperature logger in the Spakling lake and observing when the lake will open. We were drilled ice and get data of the deep, substrate from 4 points of lake. We are thinking but soon lakes will open.
Monday, April 14, 2008
In the Department of Natural Resources of Wisconsin

Mongolian fish biologist met with staff of Department of Natural Resources (DNR) of Wisconsin. In during meeting we made presentation about current status of Mongolian fish species, legislation,fishery management and brief of taimen research work. They interested of recreational fishing significance, mining impact to taimen habitat and legal implementation on fishing of Mongolia. Actually, this was our first time presenting in English. Mr Michael Miller, Stream ecologist helped to us to conduct this meeting and he gave us a warm welcome to Wisconsin.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
WESLI Language training Англи хэлний сургалт
Chicago Shedd Aquarium

On 12th of April, Saturday we waked up early morning, so drove for two in half hours drove to Chicago. When we got real American big town, we saw huge constructions before we watch by TV and of magazines. We visited to Shedd Aquarium on the shore Michigan Lake. There were many of fish species habitat in tropical river system, ocean and local river and lake of USA. UW ecology course students were visiting too and in during of Aquarium visit they got own project idea of the fish and marine research. We are observing that generally, training system of universities of USA is being conducted as many such way (field trip, seminar, presentation, discussion etc).
I'm thinking and wondering how they manage all of fish aquarium like natural habitat. There is working the full research institute of the marine and inland water science. :-)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Otolith Processing Tul zagasni nas todorhoiloh
Monday, April 7, 2008
Mongolian fish biologists in USA
Hello all
We are three Mongolian fish biologists, Dr M. Erdenebat, Fish scientist of Geoecology Intitute of Mongolian Academy of Science B. Ganzorig, Master's student of Mongolian National University P.Tsogtsaikhan, TCF staff biologist are visiting in Center for Limnology of Wisconsin University in Madison, Tahoe lake Research, Nevada Reno of USA. We came to here in order to study new methods of fish research for fisheries management of inland water. Generally we work in Taimen Project of Mongolia, so our American colleagues initiated this program and helping to us. We are very exciting to learn more things of fish research. Thank you very much for all people supportng this exchange.
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